Is é an sprioc atá ag an Tairseach Shonraí Oscailte ná Faisnéis na hEarnála Poiblí a chru ar fáil ar líne go hoscailte I bhfoirm atúsáidte. Cuirtear fáilte roimh mholtaí ar thacair sonraí ar chóir a fhoilsiú nach bhfuil nasctha leis an taorseach cheana féin. Bí i dteagmháil linn le tacair sonraí a mholadh agus cuirfear an moladh ar aghaidh chuig na comhlachtaí poiblí iomchuí.
Tacair Sonraí atá molta cheana féin
social welfare in ireland
Openany way I can get a csv file of the total amount of social welfare payments made annually in each county in ireland -
Food Safety Authority inspections
ClosedThe FSA already has some data on, which is great! However, I'm looking for a list of premises inspected by the food safety authority, including the outcome of the... -
Planning Application data
ClosedUp-to-date and historical planning application data from all local authorities - ideally via an API -
NUIG Weather Station Data API
ClosedDataset includes measurements of temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed/3s gust, wind direction, total and diffuse solar radiance and rainfall, all at 1 minute interval.... -
Street level crime data (like UK crime data)
ClosedIt would be really fantastic to see more crime data on, particularly data like the street level crime database -... -
OpenBoundary data of the national park(s). "Story map" is available on but the boundary data is not available yet. -
Legislative Observatory Bills and amendments
ClosedAll bills and amendments (notice, tabled, made) should be available in a machine readable format. -
List of all Irish Libraries
OpenHi, it would be great to have a list of all the libraries in Ireland, preferably including: Name, Address, GPS Co-ordinates, and then perhaps facilities offered, number of... -
Irish Public Software Procurement
OpenA dataset which shows all won tenders and their meta data for software which will be developed with public funding. Such useful information as the following should be present:...