Irish Public Software Procurement


A dataset which shows all won tenders and their meta data for software which will be developed with public funding. Such useful information as the following should be present:

  • licensing of software (free or non-free, and name of license)
  • contracting authority
  • total value of contract
  • winner of tender
  • criteria for choosing winner
  • start date of contract
  • end date of contract
  • possibility of recurring contract
  • description of procurement

Ideally, as many fields from the procurement document as possible. An example would be

Additional Info

Creator Luke Murphy
Organisation FSFE
Online URL
Public Sector Body OGP
Potential Use

Reducing public software procurement costs. Preventing closed-source procurements. Building tools to help contracting authorities make better decisions.

Likes 110
Created 8 mbliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • MBeakey (8 mbliana ó shin)

    Referred to the OGP for consideration 14/02/2017 - Open Data Unit