NUIG Weather Station Data API


Dataset includes measurements of temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed/3s gust, wind direction, total and diffuse solar radiance and rainfall, all at 1 minute interval.

Public API for this dataset would be really beneficial.

Thank you.

Additional Info

Creator Dejan Gojkovic
Online URL

Public Sector Body IRUSE at NUIG
Potential Use

reseasrch and education

Likes 68
Created 8 mbliana ó shin
Dúnta 5 bliana ó shin
Open Data Met Éireann Live Text Forecast Data
You can reference datasets by adding their URLs
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Current Discussion

  • MBeakey (5 bliana ó shin)

    Met Eireann API is now available on the portal

  • J O'Connell (Unauthenticated user) (7 mbliana ó shin)

    Could we have an API for this data-set? It would be very useful for everyone around the country :)

  • Dejan Gojkovic (Unauthenticated user) (8 mbliana ó shin)

    Ok, so we can expect it to happen at some point. Great, thanks..

  • MBeakey (8 mbliana ó shin)

    This portal contains links to official government data and Met Éireann is the official source of weather observations and forecasts. We understand that Met Éireann are currently recruiting an Open Data Officer and once in place, the Open Data Unit will work with them towards getting Met Éireann official weather data on the portal.

  • Dejan Gojkovic (Unauthenticated user) (8 mbliana ó shin)

    There is a mobile app for iOS and Android that uses that API. It provides graphs of hourly and daily averages of data. There must be php script returning those, too. It would be great if could reuse that endpoint, have it return JSON, add weekly, montly, yearly intervals and keep a complete dataset in CSV on this site, updated every hour or so.

  • J Kelly (Unauthenticated user) (8 mbliana ó shin)

    Not part of team but looks like that already has an endpoint here if you can figure out the headers