Open Data Impact Series 4 ' Open Data – Supporting Arts, Culture and Heritage '
17 September 2019
The Open Data Impact Series, organised by Derilinx, in collaboration with the Open Data Unit of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform promotes awareness, adoption and use of Open Data in different sectors, and supports the publication of high-quality Open Data.
The forth session in the Series entitled ‘Open Data - Supporting Arts, Heritage and Culture’ took place on Wednesday morning, 23rd October 2019 in the Tangent Venue, Trinity College, Dublin 2.
Open Data is a valuable resource that can help promote Arts, Culture and Heritage amenities and events. Open Data can be used to build new applications, enhance existing products or provide additional context for decision-making. The Arts, Culture and Heritage sector has embraced the Open Data initiative, with a large amount of data available, from information on libraries, tourist attractions, archaeological sites and sports amenities.
Open Data in Ireland
The National Open Data Initiative in Ireland is led by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, and is a key part of reform activities aiming to build more open, transparent and accountable public governance in Ireland. Over 9,000 datasets are available on the Open Data Portal from a wide range of Public Sector publishers, including the Central Statistics Office, the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Failte Ireland.
Ireland has been highlighted as an Open Data Leader in Europe, ranking 1st for the second year running in the Open Data Maturity Report in terms of readiness and quality of data published, use, and impact.
The Open Data Strategy 2017-2022 builds on the substantial achievements of the Open Data Initiative and sets out a roadmap for the Initiative’s continued progress and development for the next five years.
Over 70 people attended the event and an overview of the panel discussions as well as the presentations given on the day are available here.