Tá leagan Gaeilge den mhír seo ar fáil anseo.
Ireland’s Open Data initiative is aligned with key Government priorities such as the Public Service Reform Programme, the eGovernment Strategy, the Civil Service Renewal Programme, the Open Government Partnership Action Plan, the National Data Infrastructure and the Public Service Data Strategy. The national ICT Strategy recognises Open Data as a priority and will support the development and adoption of an evidence-based Open Data policy for the Irish Public Service.
An Open Data Governance Board (ODGB) was established in 2016 to provide strategic leadership and governance in line with best international practice in the area of Open Data. It is tasked with considering how to improve the capacity and capability of public bodies in implementing Open Data, and considering opportunities to maximise the value of public sector data and information for long-term economic, social and democratic benefits. The ODGB makes recommendations to Government in this regard. The ODGB’s Terms of Reference allows them to consider how to ensure the Open Data Initiative meets the needs of users, helps public bodies to plan their activities accordingly and encourages an ongoing collaborative process.
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