Launch of 'Developers Corner'
4 March 2019Even for a seasoned developer, learning a new system from documentation alone can be an unappetising proposition. With the launch of a series of Jupyter Notebooks in the Developer’s Corner of, developers can now refactor and run their own code within a guided environment.
These demos are designed for anyone with basic coding knowledge and above and are examples of how to access the powerful API behind the portal, with customisable variables and entire snippets of your own code should you wish.
Through a series of straightforward examples, different ways to interact with the CKAN API using Python are introduced including:
- An introduction to the CKAN API - Explore core CKAN API functions and learn the grammar of surfacing information on a resource, dataset and publisher level
- Data enrichment - Combining multiple data sources
- Combine multiple datasets -
- Analysing publisher metadata - Explore “Organization” metadata (what CKAN calls our Publishers). Mine that metadata for statistical analysis and to create graph and chart visualisations.
All of these notebooks can be run live in your browser via the Google Colab platform or direct from the repository and are completely customisable. The repository is open and we welcome pull requests with Notebooks developed by anyone who might be interested in doing so. So get up to speed and start manipulating Ireland’s Open Data in no time at all!
Let us know what you develop with Ireland’s Open Data!
Some further information is available on the Derilinx website here.