Wicklow Derelict Sites Register

Category: Government
Views: 359
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Details of the Derelict Site Register and access to the register and a complaint form. Under the Derelict Sites Act 1990, all planning authorities are required to establish and maintain a Derelict Sites Register. The Register will contain details of sites where the planning authority is of the opinion that the site is derelict.

The definition of a Derelict Site is contained in Section 3 of the Act: “Derelict site” means any land which detracts, or is likely to detract, to a material degree from the amenity, character or appearance of land in the neighbourhood of the land in question because of:

a) The existence on the land in question of structures which are in a ruinous, derelict or dangerous condition, or

b) The neglected, unsightly or objectionable condition of the land or any structures on the land in question, or

c) The presence, deposit or collection on the land in question of any litter, rubbish, debris or waste, except where the presence, deposit or collection of such litter, rubbish, debris or waste results from the exercise of a right conferred by statute or by common law.

Data Resources (5)

Zip Shapefile

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Data Owner Open Data Officer
Data Owner Email opendata@wicklowcoco.ie
Data Owner Telephone 0404 20100
Theme Government
Language English
Landing page https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/wicklow::derelict-sites-register/