Toll Bridge(s) usage in Ireland


If possible, could you please provide a data-set that outlines all the vehicles (motorbikes/cars/buses/lorries) that have passed through the following toll bridges and the cost accumulated in the last 15-20 years. I do not need to know any personal details (such as vehicle registration) just the type of vehicle, the time they passed through the toll, and the charge applied to said vehicle:

M1 Motorway (Gormanston to Monasterboice Toll Road) M3 Clonee-Kells Grange Toll Plaza (Northern) M3 Clonee-Kells Blackbull Toll Plaza (Southern) M4 Kilcock - Enfield - Kinnegad Motorway M50 Barrier Free Tolling East Link Toll Bridge N25 Waterford City Bypass M7/M8 Portlaoise - Castletown/Portlaoise - Cullahill N8 Rathcormac - Fermoy Bypass Limerick Tunnel N6 Galway - Ballinasloe

Thank you,

Martin Christian.

Additional Info

Creator Martin Christian
Organisation n/a
Online URL
Public Sector Body I am not sure
Potential Use

Calculations and statistics to help give a visual representation of the data

Likes 138
Created 7 years ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Krystyna Pycinska-Taylor (Unauthenticated user) (7 years ago)

    Thank you, Martin Christian, for your dataset suggestion which was sent to the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) for consideration. Regards, Open Data Team, 11/07/2018