List of all Irish Libraries


Hi, it would be great to have a list of all the libraries in Ireland, preferably including: Name, Address, GPS Co-ordinates, and then perhaps facilities offered, number of books, that kind of thing. Seems to have once existed by in the change from to the links all broke.

Additional Info

Creator Carl Lange
Online URL
Public Sector Body Unknown to me who managed the libraries
Potential Use


Likes 167
Created 8 years ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Andrew Whitson (Unauthenticated user) (3 years ago)

    Hi Carl, We are a publisher in Belfast and would like to access the addresses of all libraries throughout Ireland. Can you help?

  • Carl Lange (Unauthenticated user) (8 years ago)

    Hi Marian, thanks a lot, that's great! I should have mentioned that some local authorities like Galway, Roscommon, and the Dublin LAs already have their libraries on Good on them!

  • MBeakey (8 years ago)

    Carl, I understand that this is currently on the local authorities open data work programme for 2017 but we will forward on your request to them in any case. Data on location of libraries is shared on maps by most local authorities on and I understand that this is to be published as Open Data Open Data Team 17/02/2017