The Open Data Portal aims to make Public Sector data available and easily accessible online for reuse and redistribution. We welcome suggestions for publication of appropriate Public Sector datasets, which are not currently linked to the portal as Open Data. Let us know your ideas by using the form and we will pass them to the relevant public bodies for further consideration.
Suggested Datasets
Constituency Boundaries for 2020
ClosedWith the election coming up, it's virtually impossible to find data on the new constituency boundaries. The only data source I've found so far is a PDF map by the constituency... -
Synoptic Weather Station hourly averages selected by date-time
OpenHourly weather data for Johnstown Castle (or preferably all synoptic weather stations) stored and downloadable from Digital Ocean or elsewhere in csv and Json format in an... -
Missing Real-time Passenger Information (RTPI) for Local Services offered by ...
ClosedDublin Coach is operating the local bus lines 307 and 308 in Limerick, which connect the city centre with the university and surrounding neighbourhoods. While the local lines... -
Glioblastoma Statistics
OpenPlease provide the data on the incidence of Glioblastoma (a form of brain cancer) for all years from 1990 to date by gender by age, for comparison with the French statistics... -
Hospital delayed discharges
OpenHospital/department/patient age/patient sex/planned discharge date/actual discharge date/reason for delay -
Vetinary Medicines. Withdrawals & Usages
ClosedAPI to access HPRA Vetinary Information Especially Withdrawal Periods for Cattle and Sheep. -
Cattle registered with the CMMS
OpenReturn a list of cattle registered with the CMMS, query by herd number. Should return age, date of birth, tag number, breed etc. -
NCT database of annual vehicle kilometers by engine size/taxation class
OpenProvides a dis-aggregated dataset outlining the average vehicle kilometers driven by cars tested by the NCT that year. The average vehicle kilometers would be categorized by...