Visa Applications, Decisions, and Nationalities in Ireland


This dataset provides comprehensive information on visa applications processed by the Irish Immigration Service. It includes the number of visas applied for, granted, and refused, categorized by visa type as listed on (e.g., Business, Employment, Join Family, Study, Tourism). Additionally, the dataset includes the nationality of applicants to offer insights into the geographic distribution of applications and decisions.

A dataset like this is available, but it does not distinguish between the many types of visa available, only long vs short term visas.

Additional Info

Creator Séamus Mac an Bháird
Online URL
Public Sector Body Department of Justice and Equality - Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service
Potential Use

Assess the effectiveness of Irish immigration policies by analyzing approval/refusal rates for specific visa categories. Enable researchers to study migration patterns and their societal effects.

Likes 1
Created 2 weeks ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Marie cole (Unauthenticated user) (1 day ago)


  • Karl Brown (Unauthenticated user) (2 weeks ago)

    Bad info

  • Suzanne Looby (Unauthenticated user) (2 weeks ago)

    This information is needed.

  • Mark O'Carroll (Unauthenticated user) (2 weeks ago)

    A good idea