Raising social welfare overpayments

Category: Society
Views: 57
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This chapter examines the processes of the Dept. of Social Protection for the recovery of welfare overpayment debt, of which almost €500 million was outstanding in December 2022. It also examines the trends in the value of overpayments recovered or written off in recent years.

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Data Owner Paula O'Connor
Data Owner Email paula.oconnor@audit.gov.ie
Data Owner Telephone +353 1 863 8718
Theme Society
Rights notes All Office open data is published using the CC by 4.0 license. The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General does not authorise any user to have exclusive rights to re-use of its information. You may re-use the information on this website free of charge in any format.
Language English
Landing page https://www.audit.gov.ie/en/find-report/publications/2023/15-raising-social-welfare-overpayments.pdf