Public Artworks DCC

Published by: Dublin City Council
Category: Arts
Views: 155
Openness rating:

Permanent public artworks in Dublin city, owned by Dublin City Council. An artwork is defined as a sculpture, statue, or memorial. The dataset includes latitude/ longitude points, a description of each piece of art and a link to where it can be found on Google Maps. All of these artworks were counted as part of the Dublin City Cultural Audit and can also be viewed on Culture Near You, the online map of culture in Dublin: If you'd like to know more about the project, or are looking for more information, you can contact Dublin City Council Culture Company at: or

Last reviewed/updated: July 2021

Data Resources (4)

Public Art in Dublin City listing
DCC Public Art Map
Datastore resource derived from "KML DCC Public Art 0" in [this resource](d43b4388-45ea-4b12-8158-4074d8507591),...
WMS publishing of the GeoServer layer "KML DCC Public Art 0" stored in [this resource](43125b38-cb30-4130-8445-b2cbcdad91bd)

Data Resource Preview - KML DCC Public Art

Theme Arts
Date released 2021-08-24
Date updated 2021-10-21
Update frequency Annual
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Dublin City
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2021