PRTR: Production and processing of metals

Category: Environment
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The PRTR Production and Processing of Metals sector includes the following activities: (a) Metal ore (including sulphide ore) roasting or sintering installations. (b) Installations for the production of pig iron or steel (primary or secondary melting) including continuous casting with a capacity of 2.5 tonnes per hour. (c) Installations for the processing of ferrous metals: (i) Hot-rolling mills with a capacity of 20 tonnes of crude steel per hour; (ii) Smitheries with hammers with an energy of 50 kilojoules per hammer, where the calorific power used exceeds 20 MW; (iii) Application of protective fused metal coats with an input of 2 tonnes of crude steel per hour. (d) Ferrous metal foundries with a production capacity of 20 tonnes per day. (e) Installations: (i) For the production of non-ferrous crude metals from ore, concentrates or secondary raw materials by metallurgical, chemical or electrolytic processes; (ii) For the smelting, including the alloying, of non-ferrous metals, including recovered products (refining, foundry casting, etc.) with a melting capacity of 4 tonnes per day for lead and cadmium or 20 tonnes per day for all other metals. (f) Installations for surface treatment of metals and plastic materials using an electrolytic or chemical process where the volume of the treatment vats equals 30 m3.

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Metadata last updated 15 September 2024
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