
Category: Health
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Data Resources (1)

Provide figures for the number of Optical claims submitted to PCRS for payment each month.

Data Resource Preview - optical-analysis

Data Owner Email
Theme Health
Date released 2017-08-23
Rights notes Report Validity Disclaimer: The Report is valid on date of production but underlying data changes can occur after and change the reported figures. HSE PCRS is committed to maximising transparency through reporting the information which various stakeholders require as and when they require it. This can include reporting on the same figures from different perspectives, at different points in time to various stakeholders. In some circumstances this can result in a minor discrepancy between reports for legitimate reasons of timing and data changes etc. To ensure the dynamic nature of our business does not impede our ability to meet the reporting needs of our various stakeholders, PCRS reserve the right to amend a published figure in the event that any discrepancy may arise.
Update frequency Monthly
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage National
Period of time covered (begin) 2017-01-01
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers Jan 2017 - present