Commissioners of Irish Lights Aids to Navigation

Category: Transport
Views: 118
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The Commissioners of Irish Lights maintain a network of operational Aids to Navigation around Ireland. An aid to navigation (AtoN) is a device or system external to a vessel that is designed to enhance the safe and efficient navigation of the vessel - such as lighthouses, buoys, beacons, lights, leading marks and radio position fixing systems. An aid to navigation station may be defined as a point on the earth’s surface defined by geographic coordinates.

Data Resources (3)

available in GML
available in GeoJSON
available in CSV

Data Resource Preview - available in GML

Data Owner Commissioners of Irish Lights
Data Owner Email
Data Owner Telephone +353 1 271 5400
Theme Transport
Date released 2024-07-01
Date updated 2024-07-01
Dataset conforms to these standards INSPIRE Transport Network Water
Rights notes CC BY 4.0
Update frequency Weekly
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -5.05933120651634, 55.674658332426809 ], [ -10.94431681475379, 55.642234169296025 ], [ -10.920384454145575, 51.298510718904886 ], [ -5.035398845908126, 51.33093488203567 ], [ -5.05933120651634, 55.674658332426809 ] ] ] }
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
Provenance information Commissioners of Irish Lights
High Value Dataset (HVD) No