HSPAE22 - Slip, trip or fall incidents as reported to NIMS that were classified as major or extreme
Data Resources (4)
Slip, trip or fall incidents as reported to NIMS that...
Slip, trip or fall incidents as reported to NIMS that...
Slip, trip or fall incidents as reported to NIMS that...
Slip, trip or fall incidents as reported to NIMS that...
Data Owner | Nikita Ellul |
Data Owner Email | info@health.gov.ie |
Theme | Government |
Date updated | 2024-02-14 |
Language | English |
Landing page | https://ws.cso.ie/public/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.ReadDataset/HSPAE22/JSON-stat/2.0/en |
High Value Dataset (HVD) | No |
High Value Dataset Category | Statistics |