G0113 - SDG 1.a.1 Proportion of domestically generated resources allocated by the government directly to poverty by State, Year and Statistic

Category: Government
Views: 15
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SDG 1.a.1 Proportion of domestically generated resources allocated by the government directly to poverty by State, Year and Statistic

Data Resources (4)

SDG 1.a.1 Proportion of domestically generated resources...
SDG 1.a.1 Proportion of domestically generated resources...
SDG 1.a.1 Proportion of domestically generated resources...
SDG 1.a.1 Proportion of domestically generated resources...
Data Owner Mary Smyth
Data Owner Email Sustainable_Development_Goals@cso.ie
Data Owner Telephone (+353) 21 453 5309
Theme Government
Date updated 2020-11-30
Language English
Landing page https://ws.cso.ie/public/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.ReadDataset/G0113/JSON-stat/2.0/en