DLR Planning Applications

Category: Housing
Views: 1126
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Planning Applications details and spatial data.

The Planning applications data are extracted from the APAS Planning system and hold details on the progress of a planning application and it's spatial component where applicable.
Output data are provided in the following formats: - ESRI shapefile format (DLR_PlanningAppsPoints.; DLR_PlanningAppsLines.; DLR_PlanningAppsPolygons., DLR_PlanningAppsNull.) in ITM projection. These output files provide site outlines. The DLR_PlanningAppsNull.* lists applications which have no spatial component. NB: Shp files have a limit on their field sizes which will result in loss of some attribute data.' Output file also provided in csv format. This file (DLR_PlanningApps_csv.csv) provides Lat/Long and ITM co-ordinates. This point data broadly represents the Planning application site however, does not represent it's outline, extent or central location. Where applications have no spatial component, the Lat/Long and ITM_East/ITM_North fields are populated by Null. The data files comprise some or all of the following attribute fields:'Plan_Ref (REG_REF): Reference number'County: Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown'Plan_Auth (Planning Authority): Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Reg_Date (RGNDAT): Date application is registered by Planning Authority. Descrptn (LONG_PROPOSAL): Description of proposed development'Location: Application location.'Stage: Registered Application, Decision Made, Application under Appeal, Appeal Decided, etc.'Decision: Declare Application Invalid, Grant Permission, Grant Permission for Retention, Refuse Permission, Request Additional Information, etc.'App_Dec (Appeal Decision): Appeal decision Dec_Date (DECDAT): Date of planning authority decision'More_Info: This provides a url on the DLR website, which contains more information. 'Lat/Long : Latitude and Longitude of a point situated within the Planning application site. 'ITM_East/ ITM_North: ITM coordinates of a point situated within the Planning application site. ' Notes: This spatial data was originally captured in a GIS application and in Irish Grid Projection and has subsequently been converted to a variety of output formats and reprojected to ITM Projection and to Lat/Long. This may account for some discrepancies which may occur when overlain with other data. This data is optimally viewed at a scale of 1:1000. Some applications made may not have a spatial component for reasons such as invalid application or the spatial component has not yet been mapped. Data is provided for the last 7 years. For additional information refer to www.dlrcoco.ie.

Data Resources (3)

Planning Applications Online search criteria
Shp file data
Data in csv file format
Theme Housing
Date released 2014-12-15
Date updated 2024-03-04
Update frequency Irregular
Language English
Landing page https://data.smartdublin.ie/dataset/dun-laoghaire-rathdown-county-council-planning-applications
Geographic coverage Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2010-01-01 to 2016-02-29