City Centre Litter Bin Survey DCC

Published by: Dublin City Council
Category: Transport
Views: 751
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Survey of location of street litter bins in Dublin City Centre; including the Central Business District and part of the South-East administrative area of the city. Survey of location of street litter bins in Dublin City Centre. This 2008 survey was carried out in the Central Business District and extended to include part of the South-East administrative area of the city. The Central Business District (CBD) was selected as it has a higher concentration of street bins in an area with a high concentration of commercial, office and public buildings. It also comprises 97% of the citys Business Improvement District (BIDS) area. The CBD comprises 5% of the area of the city within the City Boundary and with 1000 litter bins is estimated to have 22% of the citys litter bins. 'It was decided to link the survey to the administrative and constituency boundaries in the city; Street name, District Electoral Division (DED), Dublin City Council Administrative areas and Local Electoral Area (Committee). Each bin is assigned a 7 digit identity number. The first four digits are the published DED number which relates to the respective DED, and are therefore similar for all of the lines with a DED. Dublin City DED, LEA and DCC area maps are also available as open data. The last 3 digits are unique to the bin within its DED. 'There are a total of 30 items of information, including location and description. The location data, i.e. DED, will facilitate transfer of data between constituencies and Areas in the event of boundary changes. Information fields include bin type, advertising space, cigarette butt box, location description (footpath, residential, retail/shop, school, public building, park or other) and adjoining Local Authority (shared roads). Bins types for the survey were divided into six categories:'A. Grey Round and Curved Top'B. Grey Round and Curved Top'C. Blue Square Triangular Top'D. Blue Square'E. Black Round'F. Silver Round'G. Black Round with Wide base'H. Black Round with Narrow base'Spatial projection; two sets of co-ordinates, Irish Grid (NG Eastings and Northings), and Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM Eastings and Northings), are given for each bin

Data Resources (4)

DCC_Litter BinSurvey_P20110917-1615.csv

Data Resource Preview - DCC_Litter BinSurvey_P20110917-1615.csv

Theme Transport
Date released 2008-02-20
Date updated 2021-10-21
Update frequency Irregular
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Dublin City
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2008-02-20 to 2008-12-16