SMART University College Cork (UCC) training programme to provide advanced training for postgraduate geology students in offshore mineral resource prospecting to a professional standard using a realistic survey scenario that incorporates resource evaluation, quantification and environmental effects of extraction. The training module Practical Offshore Geological Exploration is embedded within one year vocational MSc Exploration Field Geology course. The objective of this SMART UCC training programme is to provide advanced training for postgraduate geology students in offshore mineral resource prospecting to a professional standard using a realistic survey scenario that incorporates resource evaluation, quantification and environmental effects of extraction. This training forms a module, GL6007 Practical Offshore Geological Exploration, embedded within a one year vocational MSc in mineral prospecting called Exploration Field Geology. The module and associated shiptime was originally rolled out in November 2013. The shiptime applied for is for four days in Autumn of 2017 for 12 students which will provide practical training in: * seabed mapping techniques and practice; * seabed sampling techniques and practice; * sub-seabed imaging techniques and practice; seabed monitoring techniques and practice; offshore survey planning; * offshore geological data collection; * evaluation of resource and resource assessment.