Costs of tax expenditures (credits, allowances and reliefs)

Category: Government
Views: 375
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This data shows the estimated cost in terms of revenue forgone, as well as the numbers who availed of tax credits and the main reliefs and deductions allowable under the Income Tax, CGT, Stamp Duty and VAT systems. A number of reliefs that apply both to individuals and companies are also included and the cost shown in relation to these reliefs covers Income Tax and Corporation Tax

Data Resources (3)

Cost of tax expenditures
Costs of Tax Expenditures (Credits, Allowances and Reliefs)
Cost of tax expenditures - notes

Data Resource Preview - costs-tax-expenditures.csv

Data Owner Email
Theme Government
Date released 2005-06-01
Date updated 2024-09-27
Dataset conforms to these standards Standard
Update frequency Other
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage National
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2004-2023