This is a point dataset of the waste water treatment plants in agglomerations (towns/cities) with a population equivalent of over 500 during 2006, 2007 and 2008, and were reported on and assessed for compliance under The Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No....
GovernmentThis shows the urban areas where upgrade works are needed to protect against impact on shellfish waters. Further areas may be added pending outcome of on-going impact assessments. Further information about urban areas impacting on shellfish waters can be found in the EPA’s...
Urban Waste Water Treatment Area Boundaries for areas with a population equivalent of more than 500.GovernmentThis shows the urban areas with a population equivalent of more than 500 served by a sewage collection system. The boundaries shown in the map are based on the maps provided by the licensee in the EPA's Waste Water Discharge Licence Applications. Further information about each...
Urban Waste Water Agglomerations causing a key pollution pressure on rivers or lakesGovernmentThis shows the urban areas where waste water discharges were identified as the sole pollution pressure on water bodies at risk of not achieving good status. You can get more information on the status of local water bodies, and the environmental pressures which may be causing...
Urban Waste Water Agglomerations Impacting on Freshwater Pearl MusselGovernmentThis shows all urban areas where improvements to waste water discharges are required to protect freshwater pearl mussel. Further information about urban areas impacting on freshwater pearl mussel waters can be found in the EPA’s Annual Urban Waste Water Report on the EPA...
Urban Waste Water Agglomerations Failing to meet EU Sewage Treatment StandardsGovernmentThis shows all urban areas that failed to comply with one or more of the EU sewage treatment standards. Further information about urban areas failing to meet EU sewage treatment standards and information on the Directive can be found in the EPA’s Annual Urban Waste Water...
This dataset shows the urban areas that are on the EPA’s priority list because they fall under one or more of the following criteria: Failing to meet EU sewage treatment standards; discharging raw sewage because there is no treatment plant, key pressure on rivers or lakes,...
This shows the urban areas where waste water discharges were a contributing factor to the poor classification of the bathing waters, as identified in the EPA’s annual Bathing Water Quality in Ireland Report. When bathing waters are classified as poor it means that there is a...
This is a polygon dataset of the waste water treatment plants catchment areas in agglomerations (towns/cities) with a population equivalent of over 500. This dataset also represents Certificates of Authorisation (COAs) with a population equivalent of less than 500. Urban...