Local Election 2014 - Count Details Non Transfer for Mulhuddart Electoral Area in Fingal County Council Once off data in relation to 2014 Local Election
Cycle Counters Data from Totem Pole Cycle Counters are in the following Locations Coast Road, Castleknock Road and Morton Stadium within Fingal County Council for January 2022 to December 2022 (1) Coast Road - Latitude 53.36152 Longitude -6.1816 (2) Castleknock Road -...
This dataset contains data from the Council’s Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Table E is the Analysis of Budget Income from Grants and Subsidies. Section 1 of Table E contains Income...
This dataset contains the data from the Council's Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1 & 2. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Appendix 1 is the Summary of the Central Management Charge. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ for...
Education and SportThis data set contains a newly updated listing of all Public Parks within Fingal County Council, National Parks, Local Parks and Neighborhood Parks with listing of equipment and details of uses e.g. GAA, Skate parks, tennis courts, exercise equipment, toilet etc.
Education and SportPlaying Pitches with shape file mapping showing all types, basketball, bowling, golf, bowling green and all weather, 5 a side etc. within Fingal County Council
Number of Social Housing dwellings per Electoral Division where tenants have purchased housing under 1995 Scheme from Fingal County Council at 1st January 2009.
Europe’s first contactless bottle filling stations are being rolled out in the Fingal area by a local company Ecofil for Fingal County Council. The new bottle filling stations provide contactless, clean and safe drinking water without the risk of touching high-use buttons...
On Road Bicycles Warning Sign with keep distance 5m with high visibility around the county of Fingal County Council
Energy Usage of Public Lighting/Street Lighting within Fingal County Council from 2020 to 2022 inclusive.See Energy Carbon Useage Street Lighting 2022 FCC
TransportThis data set contains details and mapping of Kissing Gate at Entrance within Fingal Admin Area. This is done for safety for users and to keep areas safe and accessible.
TransportThis contains the details of Public Lighting in Fingal County Council .
Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. This data set relates to Nature Development Areas in the Development Plan 2017-2023 The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. It contains the following :-...
Historical Burial Grounds as per the Development Plan 2017-2023 within Fingal County Council with information and mapping for information purposes.
Howth Baldoyle Cycle Lanes Mapped within Fingal County Council
This dataset contains the data from the Councils Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Appendix 1 is the Summary of the Central Management Charge. It contains – ‘Expenditure’ for each...
This data set contains the amount of Paying Visitors whom under took a Guide Tour of Malahide Castle in 2024. Malahide Castle Demesne and parkland boasts pleasant walks, play areas, sporting facilities.This wonderful 268 acre (109 Hectare) park hosts the recently redeveloped...
This data contains the Tonnage of materials recycled in Fingal via Green Bin/Recycling Center's/Bring Banks and WEEE collection in 2028 and 2009 this is historical data. See other data sets in relation to recycling and Waste Recycling TextilesRecycling GlassEntry of Vehicle...
The Castleknock/Mulhuddart Operations Department are currently in the process of renewing Casual Trading applications for 2024/2025. The licenses. There has been significant interest to date in a variety of pitches for coffee, ice-cream, hot food, and flowers at burial grounds...