EnvironmentMax concentrations in 2007 - 2009 for Faecal Coliform (per 100ml) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
EnvironmentData indicates the location for line fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon (Area_M2),...
Location of water sampling sites for the Historic Mines Project
Average concentrations from 2007 - 2009 for Ammonium (mg/lP) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
This map shows the locations of current ambient air monitoring stations. Air quality at these sites are assessed in line with requirements as defined by S.I. 180 of 2011 and form part of the National Ambient Air Quality Programme.
Location of water sampling sites for the Historic Mines Project
A Register of Hydrometric Stations in Ireland.
This is a points dataset of the location of emission site facilities, including IPC (Integrated Pollution Control), IE (Industrial Emission) and Waste facilities that are currently licensed by the EPA.
EnvironmentThis dataset shows the direction of river flow realted to the EPA/OSi river network dataset.
The hydrodynamic model, ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System), is run for a domain that covers a significant portion of the northeast Atlantic at a resolution of 2.5 km and and with 40 vertical levels.7-day forecasts are generated for research purposes and for comparison with...
EnvironmentSolid waste heaps of differing substances such as stockpiles of low grade ore.
Point locations of seepages and discharges found at mine sites.
Low water mass movement of ocean currents from the Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment (IOSEA 5) publication. Large masses of moving water are called currents. In the oceans there are major surface currents, subsurface currents, and tidal currents. This data is a...
EnvironmentUnder the European Union (EU) Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) the Irish Naval Service undertake the role of maritime surveillance of fishing control according to sustainable management of the North Atlantic fisheries resource. The Fisheries Control are divided into 26 units of...
EnvironmentThe MSFD commission staff working paper (CSWP) defines predominant habitat types required for use in MSFD habitats initial reporting article 8 - "Analysis of essential features and characteristics (Art 8.1a - Habitats)". These predominant habitat typologies broadly correspond...
An ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of seawater generated by forces acting upon this mean flow, such as breaking waves, wind, the Coriolis effect, cabbeling, and temperature and salinity differences, while tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun...
Industrial Emissions (IE) and Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) FacilitiesEnvironmentThis is a point dataset of emission site facility locations. These include Industrial Emissions (IE), Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) EPA licenced facilities. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the competent...
Survey stations represent the locations where underwater television surveys have taken place during Nephrops Underwater Television (UWTV) surveys. The prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) are common around the Irish coast occurring in geographically distinct sandy/muddy areas were the...
EnvironmentMax concentrations in 2014 for Faecal Coliform (per 100ml) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
The Biologically Sensitive Area sets out the criteria and procedures for a system relating to the management of fishing effort in waters around Ireland that are considered biologically sensitive. A specific effort regime shall apply to the area enclosed by the coast of...