Anonymised LPIS data for 2023. The following attributes are available 1) LPIS Data: Applicant Herd, Herd Number, Parcel Label, Claimed Area, Crop, Digitised Area, Eligible Hectare, Commonage Denominator, Commonage Numerator, Subdivision, Commonage Indicator,...
Met Éireann have a series of climate stations dotted across the country providing esential raw data on our climate. Here you can find the last 24 hours of raw climate observational data from each station. Files with Pluv in the filename are rain gauge data from each station....
This dataset can assist the Planning Authority in achieving the preservation and enhancement of the amenity value of trees in County Kildare, as identified in the Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029. The data is used to inform planning policy, protect the landscape and...
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) provide data for the private forest estate only. These data include new forests planted up to the end of 2021. Within the dataset provided is a file showing the attribute information such as: Species List, Land use...
DAFM National Water Quality Review Implementation Map for 2024AgricultureWater Quality Review Implementation Map for 2024 - Maximum stocking rate of 220 kg livestock manure nitrogen per hectare applies for Nitrates Derogation holdings in these areas for 2024.
This dataset contains the Land Use Zonings from the County Development Plan 23-29 along with the current Local Area Plans. They should be read in conjunction with the relevant published plans from our website.
National Monuments Service - World Heritage PropertiesEnvironmentThis dataset displays locational information for the UNESCO World Heritage sites Brú na Bóinne and Sceilg Mhichíl. It also contains the buffer boundary of Brú na Bóinne. All datasets have been recorded by the National Monuments Service on behalf of UNESCO as part of their...
This data contains the various objectives of the current Kildare County Development Plan. They should be read in conjunction with the Kildare County Development Plan 23-29 as published on our website. https://kildarecoco.ie/AllServices/Planning/
Abstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. This represents...
Abstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. This represents...
Abstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. This represents...
Abstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. This represents...
Abstract: This data shows the extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. This represents...
This data contains the current County Development Plan and Local Area Plans development boundaries. They should be read in conjunction with the Kildare County Development Plan 23-29 and the Local Area Plans as published on our website. https://kildarecoco.ie/AllServices/Planning/
This dataset contains information on the architectural conservation areas in County Kildare, as identified in the Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029. The data is used to inform planning policy, protect the character and appearance of the area and to guide appropriate...
This dataset contains information on the views and amenities around Carton House and Castletown House in order to protect the character of the designed landscapes as laid out in objectives AH 024-AH 027. Please see chapter 11.15 of the Kildare County Development Plan 2023 -...
This dataset contains information on the landscape sensitivity in County Kildare, as identified in the Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029. The data is used to inform planning policy, protect the landscape and to guide appropriate development. Please see chapter 13 of...
This dataset contains information on the location of hilltop views in County Kildare, as identified in the Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029. The data is used to inform planning policy, protect hilltop views and to guide appropriate development. Please see chapter 13...
This dataset contains information on the location of scenic views in County Kildare, as identified in the Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029. The data is used to inform planning policy, protect scenic views and to guide appropriate development. Please see chapter 13...
This dataset contains information on the landscape character in County Kildare, as identified in the Kildare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029. The data is used to inform planning policy, protect the landscape and to guide appropriate development. Please see chapter 13 of...