ESB Connections
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ESB Connections
Commencement Notices
TithíochtHouse Construction Cost Index
ESB Connections
ESB Connections
TithíochtHouse Construction Cost Index
TithíochtHouse Loans Approved and Paid
TithíochtSocial and Affordable Provision
Average Price of Houses
ESB Connections
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New House Registrations
TithíochtLocal Authority Loan Arrears
Commencement Notices
National Monuments service - Wreck Inventory of IrelandTimpeallachtThe Wreck Inventory of Ireland Database (WIID) holds records of over 18,000 known and potential wreck sites in Irish waters. Wrecks in the database date to all periods; the earliest vessels represented being prehistoric logboats which are primarily found within Ireland’s...
TimpeallachtSite-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats, Annex II species at a site level and the SPA special conservation interest "wetlands and waterbirds". This project relates to the following Annex I...