BCMS Commencement Notices - Single Residential Units 2017TithíochtA Commencement Notice (CN) is a notification to a Building Control Authority (BCA) that a person intends to carry out either works or a Material Change of Use to which the Building Regulations apply. The notice must be given to the authority not more than 28 days and not less...
TithíochtThis Feature Layer View includes the Community metrics for public view for the Local Authority Community Call Response Fora, data pivoted by Local Authority and date.
Planning applications deferred by area 2011 and 2012TithíochtPlanning applications deferred by area 2011 and 2012
Estimate of Housing Stock for each year ended 31 December - 1991 to dateTithíochtHousing Stock from 1991 is permanent occupied and unoccupied habitable residential dwellings and is derived by adding in current year completions to the existing housing stock and deducting a fixed obsolescence factor of 0.73% from 1991 to 2002. These figures are...
Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296
Ocean Renewable Energy (ORE) Sites in Ireland (2021)TimpeallachtThis illustrates the existence or planned presence of marine renewable energy sites (including wind farm authorisations, wave and tidal energy test locations) in Irish waters. This is based upon formal applications submitted to the foreshore licence application office as part...
Summary tabular data relating to Natura 2000 SAC sites in Ireland, providing Natura 2000 site-related details, including lists of the habitats and species listed in Annex I and Annex II of the Habitats Directive for which each Natura 2000 site is selected. Data is accurate up...
Summary tabular data relating to Natura 2000 SPA sites in Ireland, providing Natura 2000 SPA site-related details, including lists of bird species for which each Natura 2000 site is selected. Data is accurate up to March 2023. Please check the Iris Oifigiúil, Irish, Irish...
TimpeallachtWild Nephin National Park is Ireland’s sixth National Park and located on the Western seaboard in northwest Mayo. It comprises of circa 15,000 hectares of Atlantic blanket bog and mountainous terrain, covering a vast uninhabited and unspoilt wilderness dominated by the Nephin...
TimpeallachtWicklow Mountains National Park is situated just south of Dublin. Covering circa.22,000 hectares, The Park has the distinction of being the largest of Ireland’s six National Parks. It is also the only one located in the east of the country.The National Park extends over much...
TimpeallachtSouth and west of the town of Killarney in Co. Kerry is an expanse of rugged mountainous country. This includes the McGillycuddy’s Reeks, the highest mountain range in Ireland which rise to a height of over 1000 metres. At the foot of these mountains nestle the world famous...
TimpeallachtConnemara National Park features circa. 2,000 hectares of mountains, bogs, heaths, grasslands and forests. It is the site of many great walks and awesome views. Western blanket bog and heathland are the predominant vegetation types. The largest mammal in the Park is the...
TimpeallachtGlenveagh National Park is a remote and hauntingly beautiful wilderness of rugged mountains, pristine lakes, tumbling waterfalls and enchanted native oak woodland in the heart of the Derryveagh Mountains in the north west of County Donegal. At the centre of the Park on the...
TimpeallachtThe Burren National Park is located in the southeastern corner of the Burren. The word “Burren” comes from an Irish word “Boíreann” meaning a rocky place. It contains examples of all the major habitats within the Burren: limestone pavement, calcareous grassland, hazel scrub,...
National Monuments Service - Monuments to VisitTimpeallachtThis dataset pinpoints national monuments around the country which are accessible to the public. The national monuments mapped on the website feature those at which the Office of Public Works maintain visitor services (for which there may be a charge) and those which have no...
TimpeallachtThis shapefile holds positive records for Common frog (Rana temporaria) from the National Frog Survey of Ireland 2010/2011. The survey was the first study to make a quantitative assessment of the conservation status of the EU Annex V (Habitats Directive) species 1213 Rana...
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