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Referendum on the Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1995TithíochtReferendum on Fifteenth Amendment of Constitution Bill 1995
New ESB Connections (Percentages) by Type 1994 to dateTithíochtThese data are based on the number of new dwellings connected by the ESB to the electricity supply but exclude conversions. The classification used for "type of dwelling" up to 2004, is no longer available. 2005 is classified as follows:...
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
General Election 2007- Data on Female CandidatesTithíochtGeneral Election 2007- Data on Female Candidates This includes data on the number and percentage of female candidates in each constituency and that of those elected.
TithíochtPlanning Applications deferred 1995-2012 This specifies the applications received, decisions deferred and the decisions deferred as a percentage of applications received.
Quarterly Average Second Hand Property Price by AreaTithíochtAverage house prices are derived from data supplied by the mortgage lending agencies on loans approved by them rather than loans paid. In comparing house prices figures The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision....
Overall Loan Payments by banks by year to 2006TithíochtSource: From lending institutions This data contains an unquantified element of refinancing of existing mortgages (e.g. involving the redemption of an existing mortgage and its replacement...
Referendum on the Twenty-first Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2001TithíochtReferendum on Twenty-firstAmendment of Constitution Bill 2001
The second count of the presidential election of 1997TithíochtThe second count of the presidential election of 1997 between Mary Banotti, Mary McAleese, Derek Nally, Adi Roche and Dana Rosemary Scallon.
Prior to 1974 the data was based on surveys of existing house sales in Dublin carried out by the Valuation Office on behalf of the D. O. E. Since 1974 the data has been based on information supplied by all lending agencies on the average price of mortgage financed existing...
Referendum on the Thirty-second Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2013TithíochtReferendum on Thirty-second Amendment of Constitution Bill 2013
Mortgage allowance scheme by area 2014 to dateTithíochtThe most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the originally published data will be highlighted by a comment on the cell in question. These comments will be maintained for at least a year after the...
TithíochtNational Housing Development Survey 2013 Unfinished Housing Survey
TithíochtPrompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296
TithíochtPrompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296
TithíochtSource: From lending institutions and local authorities This data contains an unquantified element of refinancing of existing mortgages (e.g. involving the redemption of an existing mortgage and its replacement with a mortgage from a...
National New House Prices by agency - by quarterTithíochtThis series does not include apartment prices. 2015 Q4 Figure changed on the 27/6/16 as revised data received from the Local authority Measured in €
Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...