County figures include serviced land data for Borough Councils and Town Councils where applicable. Serviced land refers to land that has the necessary water, sewerage, transport or other services required to bring the land into development and sufficient...
Tithíocht2014 Planning Applications in Ireland, organised by city and county
Summary of HAP Active Tenancies Set-up as of 31 March 2018TithíochtThe Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) is currently available in all 31 local authority areas and to homeless households in the Dublin local authorities under the Homeless HAP pilot. There are currently some 36,000 households being supported by the scheme, including...
TithíochtAffordable Housing (1999) scheme was introduced in March 1999....
Planning decisions in 2012 where decision differs , by class of developmentTithíochtPlanning decisions in 2012 where decision differs from the recommendation of the planner, by class of development
Social Housing Construction Status Report Q4 2020TithíochtThe Minister recently published the Construction Status Report (CSR) for Quarter 4 2020. The CSR provides scheme level detail on new build social housing activity in each local authority area. Commenting on the report Minister O’Brien said, “The report shows a strong pipeline...
Social Housing Construction Projects - Status Report Q2 2017TithíochtAn updated status list of social housing construction schemes that are advancing nationwide, following on from the previous status list published in May, 2017.
BCMS Commencement Notices - Single Residential Units 2018TithíochtA Commencement Notice (CN) is a notification to a Building Control Authority (BCA) that a person intends to carry out either works or a Material Change of Use to which the Building Regulations apply. The notice must be given to the authority not more than 28 days and not less...
This dataset has no description
TithíochtThe most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the originally published data will be highlighted by a comment on the cell in question. These comments will be maintained for at least a year after the...
Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Background - Construction 2020 In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of...
First preference votes of the general election of February 2011TithíochtGeneral election February 2011- first preference party table
A Commencement Notice (CN) is a notification to a Building Control Authority (BCA) that a person intends to carry out either works or a Material Change of Use to which the Building Regulations apply. The notice must be given to the authority not more than 28 days and not less...
Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Background - Construction 2020 In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets out Government policy to increase the capacity of...
TithíochtPlanning Applications 2012 by County and City
The first count of the presidential election of 1945TithíochtThe first count of the presidential election of 1945 between Patrick McCartan, Sean T. O'Kelly and Sean MacEoin.
Referendum on Fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1968 on the voting system.
Social Housing Construction Status Report Q1 2021TithíochtThe Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien T.D. recently published the Q1 2021 Social Housing Construction Status Report, outlining the ongoing delivery of social housing across the country. The latest Construction Status Report shows that: •...
Unfinished Housing Developments- Summary Reports for 2016TithíochtThe Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal Damien English TD, today (21st March 2017) published the fifth annual progress report and seventh housing survey on tackling the issue of unfinished housing developments. This reveals an “85% drop in the unfinished developments since...
TithíochtThese data are based on the number of new dwellings connected by the ESB to the electricity supply but exclude conversions and demountables. They may not accord precisely with local authority boundaries. The classification used for "type of dwelling" up to 2004, is no longer...