SCA40 - Immunisation uptake ratesRialtasImmunisation uptake rates
SCA39 - Children Relationship with ParentsRialtasChildren Relationship with Parents
SCA38 - Newborns visited by a public health nurse and children having developmental checksRialtasNewborns visited by a public health nurse and children having developmental checks
SCA36 - Suicides by Young PeopleRialtasSuicides by Young People
RialtasBirths to Mothers
SCA34 - Children aged 15 who reported that reading is one of their favourite hobbiesRialtasChildren aged 15 who reported that reading is one of their favourite hobbies
SCA33 - Body Mass Index of Children aged 7 yearsRialtasBody Mass Index of Children aged 7 years
SCA32 - Scores of Children aged 15 years based on OECD-PISA Reading, Mathematics and Science Lite...RialtasScores of Children aged 15 years based on OECD-PISA Reading, Mathematics and Science Literary Scales
SCA25 - Highest Level of Education Attained of MotherRialtasHighest Level of Education Attained of Mother
SCA24 - Children Living in a Lone Parent HouseholdRialtasChildren Living in a Lone Parent Household
RialtasDeaths of Children
SCA22 - Pre-school services under contract to deliver the Early Childhood Care and Education Prog...RialtasPre-school services under contract to deliver the Early Childhood Care and Education Programme
SCA20 - Children in the care of TuslaRialtasChildren in the care of Tusla
SCA18 - Children on Waiting ListsRialtasChildren on Waiting Lists
SCA15 - Children and Young People who presented at a Hospital Emergency Department following Self...RialtasChildren and Young People who presented at a Hospital Emergency Department following Self -Harm
SCA14 - Pregnant Women attending for Antenatal Care in the First Trimester of PregnancyRialtasPregnant Women attending for Antenatal Care in the First Trimester of Pregnancy
SCA11 - Children aged 10 - 17 years who presented at a hospital emergency department following se...RialtasChildren aged 10 - 17 years who presented at a hospital emergency department following self harm
SCA10 - Households with Children identified as being in need of Social HousingRialtasHouseholds with Children identified as being in need of Social Housing
SCA08 - Alcohol and Drug Consumption and Sexual Activity of Children aged 10-17 yearsRialtasAlcohol and Drug Consumption and Sexual Activity of Children aged 10-17 years
SCA06 - Children and Young People registered as having a Physical and/or Sensory DisabilityRialtasChildren and Young People registered as having a Physical and/or Sensory Disability