SCA04 - Hospital Discharges among Children with a Principal Diagnosis of Injury, Poisoning and ce...RialtasHospital Discharges among Children with a Principal Diagnosis of Injury, Poisoning and certain other consequences of External Causes
SCA48 - Early Learning and Care staff with an NFQ QualificationRialtasEarly Learning and Care staff with an NFQ Qualification
G0418 - SDG 4.c.1 Qualifications of Early Years Educators in Centre-based Early Learning and Care...RialtasSDG 4.c.1 Qualifications of Early Years Educators in Centre-based Early Learning and Care Services
SCA47 - Children Living in a Single Parent Family UnitRialtasChildren Living in a Single Parent Family Unit
SCA42 - Average Percentage of Primary School Children who were absent from School for 20 days or...RialtasAverage Percentage of Primary School Children who were absent from School for 20 days or more in the School Year
SCA31 - Average Percentage of secondary school children who were absent from school for 20 days o...RialtasAverage Percentage of secondary school children who were absent from school for 20 days or more in the school year
UA33 - Allocation of DCEDIY accommodation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BoTPs)RialtasAllocation of DCEDIY accommodation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BoTPs)
SCA45 - Children and Young People Registered as Having an Intellectual DisabilityRialtasChildren and Young People Registered as Having an Intellectual Disability
SCA46 - Children and Young People Registered as Having a Physical and/or Sensory DisabilityRialtasChildren and Young People Registered as Having a Physical and/or Sensory Disability
SCA43 - Children with a DisabilityRialtasChildren with a Disability
SCA17 - Children referred to the Garda Diversion ProgrammeRialtasChildren referred to the Garda Diversion Programme
SCQ19 - Child Welfare and Protection Referrals to the HSE and TuslaRialtasChild Welfare and Protection Referrals to the HSE and Tusla
SCA28 - Children who Provide Regular Unpaid Personal Help for a Friend or Family MemberRialtasChildren who Provide Regular Unpaid Personal Help for a Friend or Family Member
SCA27 - Children with a DisabilityRialtasChildren with a Disability
SCA21 - Admissions of Children to Psychiatric Hospitals/Units and to Child and Adolescent UnitsRialtasAdmissions of Children to Psychiatric Hospitals/Units and to Child and Adolescent Units
SCA16 - Well-being and Life Satisfaction of Children 10 - 17 yearsRialtasWell-being and Life Satisfaction of Children 10 - 17 years
SCA12 - Well-being and Life Satisfaction of Children 10 - 17 yearsRialtasWell-being and Life Satisfaction of Children 10 - 17 years
SCA09 - Physical Activity and Nutrition of Children aged 10 - 17 yearsRialtasPhysical Activity and Nutrition of Children aged 10 - 17 years
SCA07 - Home and School Life of Children aged 10 - 17 yearsRialtasHome and School Life of Children aged 10 - 17 years
SCA41 - Number of Foreign National ChildrenRialtasNumber of Foreign National Children