Record of Protected Structures


Additional Info

Creator Nationwide dataset of Protected Structures
Online URL
Public Sector Body Local Authorities and County Councils
Potential Use

Architectural Heritage can be added to GIS maps to undertaken research and assessments

Likes 167
Created 5 bliana ó shin
Dúnta Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Open Data Team (Unauthenticated user) (5 bliana ó shin)

    Hi Annette, There is a working group in place (led by an official in Fingal) looking at the development of schema to facilitate the publication of country wide local authority datasets. We would hope to see national datasets such as the one you suggested available via the portal in due course.

  • Annette Quinn (Unauthenticated user) (5 bliana ó shin)

    Only approximately 5 county/town councils have released this digital data to It would be nice to see more County Councils coming on board

  • paulfitzpatrick (5 bliana ó shin)

    Request sent to Fingal County Council for consideration on 07/07/20. Open Data Team.