G0318 - SDG 3.5.2 Harmful use of alcohol, defined according to the national context as alcohol pe...RialtasSDG 3.5.2 Harmful use of alcohol, defined according to the national context as alcohol per capita consumption (aged 15 years and older) by State, Year and Statistic
G0115 - SDG 1.a.2 Proportion of total government spending on essential services by State, Year an...RialtasSDG 1.a.2 Proportion of total government spending on essential services by State, Year and Statistic
Mortality rate due to unintentional poisoning
G0323 - SDG 3.8.2 Proportion of population with large household expenditures on health as a share...RialtasSDG 3.8.2 Proportion of population with large household expenditures on health as a share of total household expenditure or income by Region, Year and Statistic
G0322 - SDG 3.8.1 Coverage of essential health services by Sex, Region, Year and StatisticRialtasSDG 3.8.1 Coverage of essential health services by Sex, Region, Year and Statistic
Adolescent birth rate
Suicide mortality rate
G0315 - Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respirat...RialtasMortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease
G0313 - SDG 3.3.4 Hepatitis B incidence by NUTS 3 Regions, Year and StatisticRialtasSDG 3.3.4 Hepatitis B incidence by NUTS 3 Regions, Year and Statistic
Malaria Notifications
Number of new HIV infections
G0307 - SDG 3.2.2 Neonatal Mortality Rate by NUTS 3 Regions, Year and StatisticRialtasSDG 3.2.2 Neonatal Mortality Rate by NUTS 3 Regions, Year and Statistic
RialtasSDG 3.2.2 Neonatal Mortality Rate by County, Year and Statistic
Deaths occurred 0 - 4 years
Under-five mortality rate
SDG 3.2.1 Under-five mortality rate
SDG 3.1.1 Maternal Mortality Rati
Area under organic farming
SDG 2.3.2 Average income of small-scale food producers
G0205 - SDG 2.3.1 Volume of production per labour unit by classes of farming/pastoral/forestry en...RialtasSDG 2.3.1 Volume of production per labour unit by classes of farming/pastoral/forestry enterprise size