FuinneamhThis Data set contains the details of Dog Fine issued by the Dog Warden Service in Fingal County Council for 2019 to 2024. See new data set Dog Fines 2025-2028_FCC The Dog Warden service looks after stray and unwanted dogs and enforcement in relation to the Control of Dogs...
Energy Usage of Public Lighting/Street Lighting within Fingal County Council from 2020 to 2022 inclusive.See Energy Carbon Useage Street Lighting 2022 FCC
This data set contains the number of Waste Complaints Lodged in Fingal County Council in 2022 up to end of 2024. This shows the number time that the complaints were investigated by our Waste Enforcement Officers till completed to the standards set down under the Waste...
Energy Use for Operations/Transportation Department Depot Building 2022. This contains the amount of KHW used and Co2 generated for the depot buildings.
This Data set if of the other remaining 11% of the consumption is made up of smaller accounts within Fingal County Council, which have not been defined as significant but might become significant in the future as other Significant Energy Users ( SEUs) become more energy...
This contains the details of the amount of Energy Conservation Retrofits carried out on Fingal County Council Housings Stock in 2021 to 2025 inclusive. Retrofitting can change the Building Rating BER Rating considerably and this is good for the Planet and also the person...
This Data set contains the Energy Usage (Significant Energy Users)of Fleet Vehicles. Fingal County Council is making significant efforts to electrify its fleet. In and in 2020 had 33 fully-electric Citroen Berlingo vans in operation. As of May 2022, the number of electric...
This data set contains the Register of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) completed in Fingal County Council Administrative area This database contains location and description information for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) installed as per final drainage...
In this data set it contains the Progress to date of Fingal County Council on hitting its Reductions in Energy Consumption and Reductions Achieved and Set to Achieve in all areas. Progress Report for 2023.
This data set contains the details of textile recycling achieved in the Fingal County Council Administrative Area for 2022 to date updated quarterly. Textile waste isn't just a matter of Landfill Space and Waste for Social and Environmental Justice, its a good thing to do for...
This data set contains the details of 2022 and 2023 to date of energy usage. The Large Offices Significant Energy Users (SEU) comprises the County Hall in Swords and the Civic Offices in Blanchardstown. In 2020 these facilities accounted for 12% of Fingal County Council Energy...
Environmental Awareness (AIE) The Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts operate alongside the AIE Regulations so that people can gain access to environmental information under both the FOI Acts and the AIE Regulations. If you wish to access personal information held by the...
Public Lighting is the largest Significant Energy Users (SEU) within Fingal County Council. An accelerated LED energy efficiency program has been in place in Fingal County Council since 2019. Around 6,200 existing sodium lights were replaced with LED in 2020 and there are...
Annual South Dublin Display Energy Certs YEAR for all Council buildings over 250 m2 which are regularly visited by the public.
Annual South Dublin Display Energy Certs 2022 for all Council buildings over 250 m2 which are regularly visited by the public.
Annual South Dublin Display Energy Certs 2021 for all Council buildings over 250 m2 which are regularly visited by the public.
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This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This data was used to generate the graphs in Codemas analysis of the energy demand of Dublin City, resulting in a range of evidence-based energy demand maps for effective planning. The report that Codema published can be found in the link attached to this dataset.