Register of Protected Areas - SPA Conservation Objective Habitat Surface WaterbodiesTimpeallachtWFD Surface Water Bodies intersecting with Designated Special Protection Areas Conservation Objective Habitats under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds Directive) - Council Directive 92/43/EE of 21st May 1992.
TimpeallachtThis is a dataset which shows the boundary of mines, outlining the mine area.
Achoimre: Léirítear sa tacar sonraí seo staitisticí maidir le húsáid na Gaeilge sna Líonraí Gaeilge ó na daonáirimh a rinneadh sna blianta 2011 agus 2016. Sainítear na Líonraí Gaeilge de réir teorainneacha Lonnaíochta nó Toghranna. Foilsítear an tacar sonraí sin ar líne tríd...
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of roads, which were identified as those roads exceeding the flow threshold of 3 million passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lnight (night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations and the major...
Point locations of wells, springs and sinkholes identified at historic mine sites.
Timpeallacht32 sample stations including CTD, Plankton Net (0-200m), Plankton Net (0-600m), Phytoplankton net (25 microns), Boxcore and ROV taken on board the RV Celtic Explorer in September 2008 during the Bright Sparks Award survey. A large instrument package called a CTD is the...
This table contains status results based on the assessment of groundwater chemical and quantitative figures in Ireland. This is drawn from representative monitoring points selected specifically for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) groundwater monitoring programme.
TimpeallachtThe dataset indicates the location for bottom trawl fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of...
Bring Bank - Recycling bank facilities in County Mayo. There are two main types of recycling facilities in Mayo for use by householders: Recycling bring banks which are located strategically across the County allowing you to dispose of your recyclable waste at a time that...
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of rail, which were identified as those rail exceeding the flow threshold of 30,000 vehicle passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day) and Lnight (night) periods for Dublin and Cork...
The role of the Irish Walled Towns Network (IWTN) is to unite and co-ordinate the strategic efforts of local authorities involved in the management, conservation and enhancement of historic walled towns in Ireland, both North and South, with the main objective to ensure that...
TimpeallachtData from the underway system includes observations and measurements of metocean conditions including air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, sea temperature, salinity and wind speed/direction. Data has been collected in survey areas including the greater...
Research cruise survey tracks generated from underway stations for Celtic Explorer cruises completed between 2003 and 2012. Survey operations have been undertaken across many scientific disciplines including geology, biology, chemistry, oceanography and marine science.
TimpeallachtA National Assessment of the Conservation Status of the EU Habitat 5130 J. communis formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands’ This data resource contains the following: Microsoft Office Access Database containing all data recorded in the field (e.g. sites, relevés,...
This is a polygon dataset of the waste water treatment plants catchment areas in agglomerations (towns/cities) with a population equivalent of over 500. This dataset also represents Certificates of Authorisation (COAs) with a population equivalent of less than 500. Urban...
National surveys of Irish rivers have taken place on a continuous basis since 1971, when 2,900 km of river channel was surveyed. The National Rivers Monitoring Programme was replaced by the Water Framework Monitoring Programme from 22 December 2006. As part of the Water...
TimpeallachtArgo Floats. Argo is an international collaboration that collects high-quality temperature and salinity profiles from the upper 2000m of the ice-free global ocean and currents from intermediate depths.
TimpeallachtAn ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of seawater generated by forces acting upon this mean flow, such as breaking waves, wind, the Coriolis effect, cabbeling, and temperature and salinity differences, while tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun...
TimpeallachtThis is a dataset of the air quality zones listed on http://www.epa.ie/air/quality/zones/. The zones were defined initially in the Air Quality Regulations (SI 180 of 2011). The EPA reviews the zones regularly and amends when necessary.
The phytoplankton sample sites and phytoplankton counts coincide with finfish aquaculture sites and monitoring results include the following parameters; Sample Code, Location Code, Location Name, Location XY, Phytoplankton Species, Phytoplankton Count, Phytoplankton Biomass...