FuinneamhArdgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in Rockabill Lighthouse, Colt Church, Shenick and Lambay Islands may be seen, including Sliabh Foy, the highest of the Cooley Mountains, and of...
This data set contains the details of pedestrian footfall into Malahide Demesne through the various gates. This includes data from 2023,2024 and 2025 and as per the numbers walking through the gates. Malahide Demesne has a lot to offer with great views and Walled Garden,...
This contains the Pedestrian Footfall Count for The Sumitt Walking Trail in Howth Co Dublin . See the disclaimer re accuracy. “Please Note that figures are estimates of total ‘trips’ rather than individual visitors. The accuracy of the recorded counts can be affected by a...
IomparThis is a listing of the Traffic Camera within Fingal County Council. These are used to monitor traffic issues and managed by a third party on behalf of Fingal County Council.
SláinteCycle Counters Data from Totem Pole Cycle Counters are in the following Locations Coast Road, Castleknock Road and Morton Stadium within Fingal County Council for January 2022 to December 2022 (1) Coast Road - Latitude 53.36152 Longitude -6.1816 (2) Castleknock Road -...
Oideachas agus SpórtThis data set contains a newly updated listing of all Public Parks within Fingal County Council, National Parks, Local Parks and Neighborhood Parks with listing of equipment and details of uses e.g. GAA, Skate parks, tennis courts, exercise equipment, toilet etc.
Number of Social Housing dwellings per Electoral Division where tenants have purchased housing under 1995 Scheme from Fingal County Council at 1st January 2009.
Energy Usage of Public Lighting/Street Lighting within Fingal County Council from 2020 to 2022 inclusive.See Energy Carbon Useage Street Lighting 2022 FCC
This data set contains the details of the Elected Council of Fingal County Council, Allowance and Expenses for 2023.Please see other data sets for previous years (1)Councilor's Allowance and Expenses from 2015 to 2017 inclusive(2)Councilor's Allowance & Expensed...
FuinneamhThis data set contains the amount of Paying Visitors whom under took a Guide Tour of Malahide Castle in 2024. Malahide Castle Demesne and parkland boasts pleasant walks, play areas, sporting facilities.This wonderful 268 acre (109 Hectare) park hosts the recently redeveloped...
FuinneamhThis data contains the Tonnage of materials recycled in Fingal via Green Bin/Recycling Center's/Bring Banks and WEEE collection in 2028 and 2009 this is historical data. See other data sets in relation to recycling and Waste Recycling TextilesRecycling GlassEntry of Vehicle...
IomparThe Castleknock/Mulhuddart Operations Department are currently in the process of renewing Casual Trading applications for 2024/2025. The licenses. There has been significant interest to date in a variety of pitches for coffee, ice-cream, hot food, and flowers at burial grounds...
Pedestrian Footfall for - Bailey - Howth Walk . Statistics on pedestrians from 2019,2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 “Please Note that figures are estimates of total ‘trips’ rather than individual visitors. The accuracy of the recorded counts can be affected by a number of...
SláinteDetails of Life Guard Stations on Fingal County Council Public Beaches for Bathing Season 2023 which runs from 1st June to 1st September 2023.See another data set Water Quality Beaches 2023 for information on Water Quality of the Beaches within Fingal County Council.Once off...
FuinneamhThis data set contains the number of Waste Complaints Lodged in Fingal County Council in 2022 and 2023. This shows the number time that the complaints were investigated by our Waste Enforcement Officers till completed to the standards set down under the Waste Management Act...
Housing Void Fingal County Council 2009-2016 -This is houses in need of repair prior to relet to Council Tenants - called Voids in Fingal County Council
This Data set contains detail of the monthly figures of customers in person attending Fingal County Council Offices and the volume of electronic communications (i.e. emails) to the email address CustomerCare@fingal.ie from 2021 to 2023 inclusive. The amount of telephone calls...
RialtasThis dataset contains the data from the Council’s Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1 & 2. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Table A is the Calculation of the Annual Rate on Valuation for the Financial Year. It is...
FuinneamhEnergy Use for Operations/Transportation Department Depot Building 2022. This contains the amount of KHW used and Co2 generated for the depot buildings.