This dataset has no description
TithíochtThe National Planning Application Database provides spatial and tabular data on planning applications in Ireland. This data can also be viewed at https://data-housinggovie.opendata.arcgis.com/
RialtasEnrolments, Completions and Certified Completions
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasCertified Completions Learner Activity
RialtasCertified Completions Learner Activity
RialtasCertified Completions Learners
RialtasCertified Completions Learners
RialtasCompletions Learners
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasLearner Enrolments
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasEnrolments Learners and Completions
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasEnrolments Learners
RialtasCompletions Learners by delivery type