Dublin Region Open Data Climate Action Challenge 2022

31 Márta 2022

The Dublin Region Open Data Climate Action Challenge 2022 competition, part-funded under the Open Data Engagement Fund, is now accessible until April 26th at https://smartdublin.ie/dublin-region-climate-action-open-data-challenge-2022/

The Dublin Region Climate Action Challenge seeks innovative ideas and applications that use open data to drive and support climate action. Participants have an opportunity to showcase their work, achieve recognition, attain prizes and help drive climate action in Dublin and beyond. Entry is open to individuals and groups of all ages and backgrounds through completing a short application form.

This is a competition that promotes the development of analyses, applications, tools or maps which can drive or support climate action.  This challenge is open to individuals, teams and organisations of all ages and backgrounds. Applicants may also apply more than once with different ideas. Your proposal may involve creating something new, or developing a pre-existing initiative or application.

So, what is it looking for?  All proposals are welcome, but there are five main themes of the DLA  Climate Change Action Plans 2019-2024 which are most relevant ;

Energy & buildings: how can existing data and analysis for energy and buildings be used to increase engagement of citizens and businesses in climate action?

Nature Based Solutions & Biodiversity: how can we use data to protect, improve and increase access to nature and realise the multiple benefits of NBS and biodiversity while increasing resilience to climate change?

Flood Resilience: how can data and its applications increase awareness of various forms of flooding, and inform interventions such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, Green Infrastructure and other climate resilient solutions?

Transport: how can data be used to help drive the uptake of active travel, public transport or other shared mobility (e.g.) car sharing? How can data/solutions inform the locations for remote working hubs and increase the awareness and usage of remote working hubs? How can data inform/influence targets around the switchover to Electric Vehicles?

Resource management and circular economy: how can data help encourage sectors to become more circular? Can we demonstrate how moving to a circular economy will impact on climate change?


All projects which are successfully shortlisted and complete the challenge will be awarded €1000 (to the value of). In addition, the most innovative, engaging and practical solutions will be awarded the following:

First Prize €5,000                                     Second Prize €3,000                                    Third Prize €2,000

(to the value of)                                       (to the value of)                                           (to the value of)


Applications open on the 30th March and close on the 26th April, apply here. Participants who are successfully shortlisted are then given eight weeks through May and June to turn proposals into projects and develop and deliver their solutions.

As with all Engagement Fund projects, a minimum of 2 open datasets from our Open Data portal (https://data.gov.ie/) must be used in all applications.