Annual Conference 'Open Data Challenges & Opportunities'

4 Nollaig 2019

The second annual Open Data Conference ‘Open Data Challenges and Opportunities' took place on 27 November 2019 in the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin 2.  Over 130 public servants from a wide range of public bodies attended the conference which was organised by the Open Data Unit in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.  The Conference was opened by Patrick O'Donovan, T.D. Minister of State at the Departments of Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform and the sessions were chaired by Barry Lowry, Government CIO and Bahareh Heravi and Dr Dennis Jennings who are both members of the Open Data Governance Board.

The keynote address was given by Ms Jemi Lacle from the World Bank and other international speakers included Mr Ben Welby from the OECD and Ms. Heather Broomfield from the Norwegian Agency for Public Management and eGovernment.

Other keynote speakers included Ms Aoife D'Arcy from the Analytics Store and there was also an opportunity to get an update on the recast of the Open Data and Re-Use of Public Service Information (PSI) Directive, which is due to be transposed into Irish law by July 2021. 

A practical guide to data publishing was given by Ms Deirdre Lee, CEO, Derilinx and some excellent examples of Open Data reuse were provided in the afternoon session which also comprised a panel discussion.

This Conference provided an important opportunity to share best practice in relation to open data publishing as well as seeing the benefits of open data from some very interesting examples of data reuse.   

Some of the presentations given on the day are available below.

Keynote Address: Jemi Lacle, Project Manager, Open Data & Analytics, The World Bank

The State of Open Government Data in OECD countries: Ben Welby, OECD 

The Norweigan Data Story: Heather Broomfield, Difi

Always be measuring - getting the most from your data: Aoife D'Arcy, The Analytics Store

Practical Guide to Open Data Publishing: Deirdre Lee, CEO, Derilinx

Open Data Policy Update: Rhoda Kerins, Open Data Unit

Discover Kells: Alison Boland, Meath County Council

Promoting Innovation through engagement - trialling and testing new solutions across the Dublin Region: 

Tough Soles Walking Ways and Making Maps:  Carl Lange, Tough Soles Maps

BIM 4 Public Good: Mary Flynn, Dublin City Council