The Open Data Portal aims to make Public Sector data available and easily accessible online for reuse and redistribution. We welcome suggestions for publication of appropriate Public Sector datasets, which are not currently linked to the portal as Open Data. Let us know your ideas by using the form and we will pass them to the relevant public bodies for further consideration.

Suggested Datasets

  • Health Facilities - Expand on released data

    Data released for Nursing Homes, Dentists, GP's, Hospitals etc in the last few days from the HSE is very, VERY welcome however there is data on...
    2 5
    8 years ago
  • LIDAR datasets for counties Waterford, Carlow, Wicklow and Tipperary (in ITM)

    LiDAR is a remote sensing technology that uses laser scanning to collect height or elevation data. Our LiDAR data is supplied in Irish Grid (IG) and Irish Transverse Mercator...
    4 3
    8 years ago
  • Ordnance Survey LiDAR data

    High resolution elevation datasets yielded from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technique of data collection
    9 3
    8 years ago
  • Publisher contact details

    Provide a simple csv with publisher name, open data contact info from here Please note, in many instances the publisher contact info is blank, incorrect or sending to broken...
    109 3
    8 years ago
  • Power - Wind Turbines

    2 sets of data sought. First, GIS data showing all commercially operational windfarms to include boundary of site, operator detail, ref #'s, gate details, status, 110kv...
    457 10
    8 years ago
  • Power facilities

    Polyline data for power lines and including power line details (e.g. 38kv etc), ref #'s Point data for towers, including height, tower type, ref #'s etc Point data for power...
    106 2
    8 years ago
  • Road collision

    Request that the data provided at is provided in an openly accessible format. Data can only be loosely reviewed on the RSA webiste at...
    54 2
    8 years ago
  • Site feature request

    Add a "Report broken link" button which will flag to admin and dataset owner
    10 3
    8 years ago
  • Fire Stations

    Details on the location, type, full/part time status, contact info etc for all fire stations in Ireland
    120 2
    8 years ago
  • FAI facilities

    Details of FAI league facilities & offices, to include but not limited to locations, team names for each ground, ground names, facilities available, contact details etc
    119 1
    8 years ago