Road collision
Additional Info
Creator | Dave Corley |
Organisation | OpenStreetMap Ireland |
Online URL | |
Public Sector Body | RSA |
Potential Use | Review dangerous stretches of roads, historical occurrences etc |
Likes | 54 |
Created | 8 years ago |
Closed | 5 years ago |
Open Data | None |
Current Discussion
MBeakey (8 years ago)
This request was referred to the Road Safety Authority who responded as follows: 'Please note that the RSA will be reviewing its procedures regarding the sharing of collision data in 2017, and will be consulting with the CSO regarding appropriate protocols for sharing data in line with the ISSCoP standards. We will review this request in the context of this review. In the meantime, access to collision data can be given to researchers who contact the RSA directly by email -
Open Data Team, 16th January, 2017