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3 December 2019
The applications received under the 2019/2020 Open Data Engagement Fund call for funding proposals were assessed by a sub committee of the Open Data Governance Board.  Congratulations to the winning applicants, which are listed below.   We look...
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3 December 2019
Ireland is continuing to lead the way in Europe for Open Data having been ranked top of the European Commission’s Open Data Maturity survey for the past 3 years running - 2017, 2018 and 2019.    The results of the EU Commission 2019 Open Data Maturity...
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2 December 2019
We are delighted to see that Tusla, the Child and Family Agency has recently linked over 500 of their performance metrics datasets to the national Open Data portal making these datasets available for reuse in open format.   We hope that other public...
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20 November 2019
There are currently 2 vacancies on the Open Data Governance Board and expressions of interest are being sought to fill these vacancies by Friday 13th December.    Further details are available here. The Open Data Governance Board was established in...
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23 September 2019
The Commission has opened consultations on the draft orientations for the Digital Europe Programme (DEP).  The DEP is a new programme intended to run from 2021 – 2027 and envisages to establish an envelope of funding for eligible projects under the...
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17 September 2019
  The Open Data Impact Series, organised by Derilinx, in collaboration with the Open Data Unit of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform promotes awareness, adoption and use of Open Data in different sectors, and supports the publication of...
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19 August 2019
The Summer edition of our Open Data Newsletter is now available. You can sign up to receive future open data updates here.
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19 August 2019
The 2019-2 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom call for proposals is now open. It offers co-funding to stimulate and support the deployment of European Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs) in a number of areas including Open Data. Up to €25...
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8 August 2019
Check out OpenLitterMap, a web app that aims to build the world’s most extensive database of litter.  This initiative, which uses open data mapping, was developed by Séan Lynch to help deal with the global litter crisis in a novel way. OpenLitter Map...
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25 July 2019
Patrick O’Donovan T.D., Minister of State for Public Procurement, Open Government and eGovernment at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform announced details of the 2019/2020 Open Data Engagement Fund on 25 July, 2019. The Open Data...
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24 July 2019
Open Data training and awareness event delivered to librarians and information professionals from across the national public sector With assistance from the Open Data engagement fund, WIT Libraries were delighted to run a national training event in...
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23 July 2019
blog by Carl Lange  The Project Tough Soles is a project by Ellie Berry and Carl Lange to hike all of the National Waymarked Trails in Ireland, a distance of approximately 4000km. They began in early 2017 and have been walking, camping, and making...
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9 July 2019
Blog post by Paul Hickey on Curio  - a more engaging approach to environmental management Curio ( is a software platform that focuses on bringing together public communities and professional environmental operators (managers, planners...
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26 June 2019
The text of the recast of the Open Data and Re Use of Public Service Information (PSI) Directive was formally adopted by the European Council in early June  and has now been published in the Official Journal at this...
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12 June 2019
  The European Data portal on behalf of the EU Commission are carrying out research on the economic impact of open data and are looking for volunteers to complete a short questionnaire.  If you are a business that uses open data, please take 5 minutes...
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11 June 2019
Blog by Ruairí O’Reilly, Lecturer, Department Of Computer Science, Cork Institute of Technology. CIT's Open Data Hackathon took place on Saturday 18 May in the Melbourne building in CIT. It was a great day that saw innovative ideas from shortening HSE...
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6 June 2019
‘Place Engage’, a town hall brought to life through virtual reality, was announced as the winning team of Dublin’s First 3D City Data Hackathon which took place on the 10-12 May at 1 Windmill Lane, The Docklands.  The winning concept was based on an...
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28 May 2019
My decision to submit a proposal to the Open Data Engagement Fund of visualising road traffic accidents in Dublin City came about because of my previous experience working in road accident research while employed in the National Roads Authority...
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27 May 2019
Public servants are invited to make applications to a pilot competitive Fund which aims to support innovative ideas and projects from across public service organisations. The Fund aims to support innovative ideas from across Public Service...
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29 April 2019
In conjunction with the Open Data Engagement Fund, Cork Institute of Technology is hosting an Open Data Hackathon on Saturday 18 May. The Hackathon will bring together developers, product designers and enthusiasts who have an interest in combining...
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25 April 2019
  We are delighted to launch our Open Data Newsletter which we hope to issue on a regular basis so as to keep you up to date on upcoming events, latest news etc.  To view the the Newsletter and to subcribe to receive future issues, plese see here.    ...
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