Fertiliser Price (Euro per Tonne)
AgricultureAgricultural Input and Output Price Indices (Base 2020=100)
Fertiliser Price (Euro per Tonne)
Manufacturing Milk Prices (including VAT) (Euro)
Manufacturing Milk Prices (including VAT) (Euro)
AgricultureAgricultural Input and Output Price Indices (Base 2020=100)
AgricultureIntake of Cows Milk
Intake of Cows Milk by Milk Processors and Co-Ops
Intake of Cows Milk by Milk Processors and Co-Ops
AgricultureLand Utilisation
Number of Cattle in June
Age Group of Farm Holder
Average Age of Holder
Agricultural Holdings
Agricultural Holdings
Agricultural Holdings
AgricultureLand Utilisation
Agricultural Holdings
Farms with Livestock
Labour Input including Non-Regular Labour (AWU)