EnvironmentThis data consists of live text forecasts including, National, regional, sea area, inland lakes and county forecasts.
EnvironmentThe Harmonie-Arome ensemble developed by Met Éireann is know as IREPS. An ensemble produces a family of possible forecast outcomes given slightly different initial conditions. This helps to determine the range of uncertainty in the weather forecast.
EnvironmentAnnouncement: The upgrade of the api will result in termination of the old 'metwdb-openaccess.ichec.ie' URL by 15th September. This is replaced with 'openaccess.pf.api.met.ie'. URLs of the form: http://metwdb-openaccess.ichec.ie/metno-wdb2ts/locationforecast should...
This dataset has no description
EnvironmentThis dataset contains monthly elements averaged over a 30 year period for some of our synoptic stations. Values for each month include: temperature variables, relative humidity at 09:00 UTC and 15:00 UTC, sunshine in hours, rainfall variables, wind variables and the mean...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains monthly elements averaged over a 30 year period for some of our synoptic stations. Values for each month include: temperature variables, relative humidity at 09:00 UTC and 15:00 UTC, sunshine in hours, rainfall variables, wind variables and the mean...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains monthly elements averaged over a 30 year period for some of our synoptic stations. Values for each month include: temperature variables, relative humidity at 09:00 UTC and 15:00 UTC, sunshine in hours, rainfall variables, wind variables and the mean...
Climate reanalysis is a systematic approach used to produce meteorological datasets for climate monitoring and research. They are created using a fixed version of a forecast model and a data assimilation system which utilises historical observations and they produce parameters...
This dataset provides map polygons for sea areas used in sea area warnings. The dataset includes the naming convention and EMMA IDs for each area adjacent to the coastline.
EnvironmentThis data is available in hdf format by contacting opendata@met.ie to make a request for access to our FTP server which will contain the most recent two days of radar data. The server is ftp://ftp.met.ie/openradar Login credinetials will be supplied via sharefile on request.
EnvironmentMet Éireann issues Sea Area forecasts twice daily, covering parameters such as weather and visibility for the day of issue, along with an Outlook for the following day. This data file contains archived forecasts from May 2012 until March 2024. PLEASE NOTE: there may be errors,...
EnvironmentMet Éireann issues Regional forecasts twice daily, covering parameters such as weather and visibility for the day of issue, along with an Outlook for the following day. This data file contains archived forecasts from 2015 until March 2024. PLEASE NOTE: there may be errors,...
EnvironmentThe data contained in this resource consists of rescued rainfall data from 114 locations across Ireland. The data covers a range of periods pre-1940. Each folder comprises of a csv file with an accompaning metadata text file. The metadata provides a discription of the data,...
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
EnvironmentThis page provides access to our archived warnings. Included here are, archive weather warnings, small craft warnings, Blight, Gale and weather advisories.
EnvironmentDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Athleague in Co. Roscommon.
EnvironmentDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Durrow in Co. Laois.
EnvironmentDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Horseleap in Co. Offaly.
EnvironmentDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Dooks in Co. Kerry.