The Open Data Portal aims to make Public Sector data available and easily accessible online for reuse and redistribution. We welcome suggestions for publication of appropriate Public Sector datasets, which are not currently linked to the portal as Open Data. Let us know your ideas by using the form and we will pass them to the relevant public bodies for further consideration.
Suggested Datasets
impact of digital technology on children
Openimpact on kids eye , spine, outdoor activities using digital technology -
Irish Companies by Address
OpenThe central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. -
Sheep registered with National Sheep Identification System
OpenReturn a list of sheep registered with the NSIS, query by flock number. Should return age, date of birth, tag number, breed etc. -
Parking Enforcement Actions
OpenA dataset of all parking enforcement actions taken by Wexford County Council for a range of years. -
Bord na Mona Landbank Map
OpenGIS map of of the peatland owned by Bord na Mona, including all hyrological data (drainage, pumping stations, silt ponds, etc) -
National peatland map
Openused to be available via EPA SAFER-Data: Derived Irish Peat Map version 2 offline -
National dataset of protected structures
OpenA national dataset of protected structures. Currently these are managed by the respective local authorities on county by county basis with very little uniformity. A central,...