Raw observations from climate stations (CAMP)

Published by: Met Éireann
Category: Environment
Views: 409
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Met Éireann have a series of climate stations located strategically across the country providing essential raw data on our climate. Here you can find the last 24 hours of raw climate observational data from each station. Files with Pluv in the filename are rain gauge data from each station. Files with Suit A in the filename contain, air temperature in degrees Celsius, grass temperatures in degrees C and humidity as a % . It must be noted that this data is raw non-qulity-controlled data and has not undergone the rigorous quality control procedures carried by our expert staff.

Disclaimer: on Non-Quality-Controlled Data Provision The observational data provided herein is made available in accordance with the requirements of the EU Open Data Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1024) on open data and the re-use of public sector information. Please note that the data is in its preliminary form and has not yet undergone our standard quality control processes. As such, the data may contain errors or anomalies that could affect its accuracy or reliability. This data is provided 'as is,' and Met Éireann accepts no responsibility for any decisions or actions taken based on the information provided. We are committed to ensuring the highest standards of data accuracy and integrity. Quality-controlled data will be made available in due course after the completion of our validation and verification procedures. Users are advised to consult the forthcoming quality-controlled datasets for any critical or decision-making purposes.

Warning: Please use the PluvioAccNRT parameter as it has not been affected by data logger changes and it is also the 5min verified value. The PluvioAccNRT parameter can be found in the pluvA.zip file.

  • Download

Resource: Outline of CAMP station parameters

URL: https://www.met.ie/Open_Data/CAMP_station_data_parameters.odt

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 14 June 2024
Metadata last updated 11 February 2025
Created 14 June 2024
Format ODT
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Has viewsTrue
NotesThis text document gives a brief explaination of the different parameters provided here.
Package idbd80fe0f-0d9a-4c96-a088-51ebe2b69277
Description This text document gives a brief explaination of the different parameters provided here.
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource No
Applicable Legislation
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