OPW Hydrometric Network Real-time Water Level Data

Category: Environment
Views: 1478
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Abstract: This data shows real-time water level data for water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network for the last five weeks. Water level data is collected using data loggers. A data logger digitally records the water level at set time intervals using a pressure transducer immersed into the water body, or by using an ultrasonic receiver.

There are daily, weekly and monthly files, but as all data is on monthly files it is only necessary to download these. Up to date list of hydrometric stations is in geojson file containing longitude & latitude co-ordinates, station name & station ref - http://waterlevel.ie/geojson/. This file must be consulted for latest list of hydrometric stations. Station numbers above 41000 should NOT be used. Only CSV files ending in OD, 0001, 0002 and 0003 should be used where: OD - Water Level in metres from Ordnance Datum (may be Poolbeg or Malin) 0001 - Water level data in metres 0002 - Temperature (may be subject to significant heating in warm weather - not representative of water body temperatures) 0003 - Battery voltage

Times are reported in UTC/GMT. Irish Summer Time is one hour ahead of this.

Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.

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Resource: API Access Information

URL: http://waterlevel.ie/page/api/

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 19 April 2016
Metadata last updated 19 April 2016
Created 19 April 2016
Format HTML
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
NotesThis page gives information on how to access the csv download API correctly.
Package ide8257886-a726-47da-9796-94c9912dddb3
Description This page gives information on how to access the csv download API correctly.
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
Applicable Legislation
API response formats
    API type
    API access url