Anonymous LPIS and N&P data for 2022

Category: Agriculture
Views: 337
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Merged and anonymised LPIS and N&P (Nitrates and Phosphorus) for 2022 The following attributes are available: 1) LPIS Data * HOLDING_ID, * LNU_PARCEL_ID, * DIGITISED_AREA, * MEA, * CLAIMED_AREA, * CROP_DESC, * COMMONAGE_INDICATOR, * COMMONAGE_FRACTION, * SUB_DIVISION ID, * GLAS Farm Status; * ANC Indicator, * GLAS Indicator, * Organics Status, * EFA Second Crop, * EPSG Indicator, * Crop Description, * Livestock Load, * Date of information, * Geometry.

2) Non-claimable areas (Reds Line datasets) * Non-claimable areas (Redline): * LNU, Exclusion Type, % Exclusion, * Manual Deduction Type, * Manual Deduction %, * Fixed Area Reduction Type, * ID, * Exclusion Type, * Land Cover Land Use Type, * Glas Area, * Habitat Area, * Date of information, * Geometry, * iNet geometries delineating subdivisions,

3) Dual Claims, partnership data * SPH_SPS_HOLDING_ID, * LNU_PARCEL_ID

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Field Value
Data last updated 3 May 2024
Metadata last updated 26 July 2024
Created 3 May 2024
Format api
License cc-by
Api response formats['json', 'xml']
Datastore activeTrue
Package idecd6db57-820f-48c0-8142-5aaae7378689
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
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    API response formats
    • JSON
    • XML
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