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Categories: Economy Resource Format: JSON HTML Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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    Minerals are naturally occurring; they are not made by humans. They are inorganic in that they have never been alive and are not made up from plants or animals. They are solid, not liquids (like water), or gases (like the air around you). Each one is made of a particular mix...
    The Quarry Directory shows the location of sand and gravel, crushed rock and dimension stone quarries in Ireland. A questionnaire was sent to all known active quarries and pits (around 1,700). A location map (Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) 1:50,000 Discovery Series) was...
    This is a subset of the PRTR Facilities dataset, identifying those classified as Quarry. The Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) provides easily accessible key environmental data from industrial facilities in Ireland. The register contains data reported during for...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).